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Getting Started with SendPad - Knowledgebase / SendPad Workflow - SendPad Customer Support

Getting Started with SendPad

Before you start sending your broadcast emails, there are a couple of steps you need to perform in the right order as listed below i.e., each previous step is the prerequisite of the next. 

1. Setup Domain: You need a verified domain name, for example,

2. Add Sender Profile: A sender profile defines “who” from your domain will send the emails to the recipients. A sender profile can only be created after you have added a valid domain to your SendPad account. For example,

3. Create a list: A list is a collection of contacts to whom you will be sending a broadcast email. 

4. Add/Import contacts: Contacts are always added to a list. Therefore, once you have a list, you can add contacts manually or import them in bulk using a CSV file. 

👉 Once you have defined the sender and receiver of your emails, you are all set to work on your email content.

5. Design Email: The last step in your broadcast email setup workflow is creating and designing the email that you want to send out.


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