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Tagging contacts - Knowledgebase / Features / Tags - SendPad Customer Support

Tagging contacts

Table of contents

  1. Adding Tag(s) to Contact
  2. Removing Tag(s) from a Contact



Tagging contacts refers to labeling contacts with meaningful words that can later be used to group or categorize contacts based on a common label/tag. It comes in handy when sending broadcasts. For example, you want to send an email to the contacts who are your returning customers regardless of the list they belong to. In such a case, you can just label those contacts as “returning” and filter all the returning customers while setting up your broadcast in SendPad. 

Adding Tag(s) to Contact 

If you wish to tag a contact with one or multiple labels, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to 'Audience' on the left panel, and click 'Contacts' under it, as illustrated in the image below.

2. On the main Contacts page, navigate to the rightmost part of the selected Contact you wish to add tag(s) to and click on the arrow symbol (>) to open the Contact Details page, as illustrated in the image below.



3. On the Contact Details page, locate the 'Tags' section, and click the '+ADD' button. This will allow you to tag a contact.  

4. After clicking the '+ADD' button, the 'Add Tag to Contact' popup window will appear. From here, select a tag from the drop-down menu and click 'ADD.' To assign multiple tags, click the '+ADD' button again, and repeat the process.



👉Once the tags are added, they start appearing under the Tags section on the Contact Details page.



Viewing Tag(s) added to Contact

To confirm that the tag(s) have been added successfully to the contact, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to 'Audience' on the left panel, and click 'Tags' under it.

2. On the main Tags page, navigate to the right side of the tag you want to check, and click on the arrow symbol (>) to open the Tag Detail panel, as illustrated in the image below.



3. On the Tag Detail panel, you will find a list of contacts to which the selected tag was added.



Removing Tag(s) from a Contact

If you want to remove tag(s) from a particular contact, you can do it on the Contact Details page. To remove tag(s), follow these steps:

1. Open the Contact Details page of the contact you wish to remove the tag from. 



2. On the Contact Details page, find the 'Tags' section, and click the symbol (X) next to the tag name you want to delete. This will enable you to remove the tag from the contact as shown in the image below. 



3. After successfully removing tag(s) from a contact, a success notification popup will appear at the top-right corner of the page. The main Contact Details page will automatically refresh and the tag(s) will be removed from the contact.



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