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Step 5: Creating a Broadcast - Knowledgebase / SendPad Workflow - SendPad Customer Support

Step 5: Creating a Broadcast

Table of contents

  1. Name your broadcast
  2. Define your target audience
  3. Sender Profile
  4. Design your broadcast email
  5. Schedule/send your email
  6. Broadcast status
  7. Broadcast Details page



After creating lists and adding contacts to those lists in SendPad, you can set up a Broadcast in 4 simple steps: 

1. Name your broadcast

2. Select your target audience

3. Design your broadcast email

4. Schedule/send your email


To begin with creating a new broadcast, navigate to 'Broadcasts' on the left panel > click the 'Create Broadcast' button at the top right corner of the main Broadcasts page.  The 'Create Broadcast'  page will appear with the 4-step broadcast process as mentioned above.

👉 After completing a step, click the “Next: {step name}” button to go to the next step.

👉 You can navigate back to the previous step at any time before clicking the 'Next: ' button.


1. Name your broadcast

On the first page, enter the name of your broadcast in the 'Broadcast Name’ field. For example, 'Marketing Campaign' is being entered in the image below.



2. Define your target audience

On the 'Audience' page, select one of the following toggle options to start filtering your audience from the pool of contacts in your SendPad account. The rest of the filters are applied to the main filter. 

  • Lists / Segments
  • Tags


Lists/Segments selected as the main filter


Tags selected as the main filter



1. List: A list should be created already for selection in the Include and Exclude fields.

2. Segment: A segment should be pre-defined for selection in the Include and Exclude fields. 

3. Tag: A tag should be pre-defined for selection in the Include and Exclude fields. 


Possible filter combinations

Defined below are the combination possibilities for the filter application. 

1. Lists: 

    • A list selection is colored yellow in both, the Included and Excluded fields. 
    • One or more lists can be included or excluded at a time.
    • One or more lists can be selected in combination with one or more segments, in both, the Included and Excluded fields. 
    • A list cannot be selected with a tag. 

2. Segments: 

    • A segment selection is colored purple in both, the Included and Excluded fields. 
    • One or more segments can be included or excluded at a time.
    • One or more segments can be selected in combination with one or more lists, in both, the Included and Excluded fields. 
    • A segment cannot be selected with a tag. 

3. Tags

    • A tag selection is colored blue in both, the Included and Excluded fields. 
    • One or more tags can be included or excluded at a time. 
    • A tag cannot be selected with a list or a segment. 

4. Exclude: The options of this filter are populated based on the selection of the main filters between Lists/Segments and Tags. 

    • The Lists/Segments filter => List(s) or Segment(s) or both can be excluded. A tag cannot be excluded in this case.
    • The Tags filter => Only a tag or multiple tags can be excluded. A list or a segment cannot be excluded in this case. 


Exclude lists/segments against the selected Lists/Segments

Exclude tags against the selected Tags


❗If the same contact appears in multiple Lists/Segments, used both in the Include and Exclude fields, no email will be broadcasted to that specific contact.


Sender Profile

Select a Sender Profile from the dropdown menu. This will be the email address used for broadcasting emails and receiving replies. Sender Profiles.



3. Design your broadcast email

On the Content page, you need to define and design the email content by filling in the following fields:

1. Subject: Enter the title of the broadcast email that the audience will receive when the email is sent. For example, "Exciting News from [Pet Store] - Don't Miss Out!" is the subject in the image below.

2. Preheader: Here, you need to provide additional context to the Subject. For example, "Discover Exclusive Deals and Updates in Our Latest Newsletter" as the preheader in the image below.



3. Content: Here, you need to design or select a pre-designed email template for your broadcast. To do so, follow these steps:

a. Click on the 'Design Email' button. 

b. On the 'Email Design' page, select from the following two options:

      • Blank Page: This option allows you to design your email content from scratch, using the SendPad email builder.
      • Portfolio Starter: This option allows you to select an existing template on the email builder. 


c. Mode of design: You can then choose to write the content using the 'SendPad QuickWrite' or 'Create email on my own' option, as shown in the image below.


👉 SendPad QuickWrite can generate a quick email draft for your marketing needs based on the information you provide on the Content Details page. (Please refer to the image shared below) Use this auto-generated content and start designing the layout of your email in the SendPad email builder. 




d. Once the email design is completed, navigate to the top right of the email builder and click the 'Save & Continue' button.

👉 While creating the email content, you can also use personalization tags to make your emails more professional and personalized. Personalization Tags



Upon clicking the 'Save & Continue' button, you will be redirected to the 'Content' page. The Content section will be populated with the thumbnail of your email template. Click 'Next: Schedule', and you will be directed to the next step called 'Schedule.' 



4. Schedule/send your email

On the 'Schedule' page, select one of the following three options:

  • Save as Draft: Save the entire broadcast email as a draft to resume later. On the main Broadcasts page, the broadcast will be labeled as "Draft" in grey. 
  • Send Immediately: By selecting this option, you can instantly send the email to the selected audience. On the main Broadcast page, the broadcast will be displayed with a green "Pending review" label.
  • Schedule: By selecting this option, you can choose a future date and time to schedule the email broadcast.  

👉 Either you send the email immediately or schedule it for the future, the broadcast email will be first approved by the marketing team at the backend, and then it will be dispatched. Once, the email is approved and dispatched to the target audience, the broadcast email status will be changed to “Completed”. 

After selecting the suitable 'Schedule' option, click the 'Save Broadcast' button.



Upon clicking the 'Save Broadcast' button, the following will occur:

  • The new Broadcast will be created, and a success notification popup will appear at the top-right corner of the page, as shown in the image below.
  • The main Broadcasts page will automatically refresh to display the newly created broadcast with the appropriate status as per the option you chose on the Schedule page. 



Broadcast status






When the broadcast was saved by selecting the option “Save as Draft” on the Schedule page. You can always edit this broadcast and proceed further to send or schedule it. 


Pending Review

The email will be reviewed first before it will be sent. This status will appear in both cases i.e., whether you select Send Immediately or Schedule.


On Hold

If the reviewer sees an issue with the email, they can decide to put the email on hold. When this happens, the On Hold status will be displayed. The reviewer will typically reach out to the user via email to inform them of what needs to be done for the email to be approved. This discussion/process will repeat until the reviewer approves the email.



Once the reviewer approves the email, it will have the status Scheduled if it was scheduled and the send date/time has yet to arrive.



Once the reviewer approves the email, it will have the status Completed if it was sent immediately.


Broadcast Details Page

Only a broadcast that is completed successfully and has the label “Completed” can be opened to view its stats and details. You can view the following details for a completed broadcast: 

  • Email details: The date and time when the broadcast was created, scheduled, started, and completed. 
  • Audience: Selected and excluded audience based on the list/segment and tags filters that were applied to the broadcast.
  • Sender Profile: The sender profile that was used to send the broadcast.
  • Engagement: Using the stats displayed under this section, you can evaluate the performance of your broadcast. You can view the open rate, click rate, bounce rate, percentage of unsubscribers, and “mark as spam” rate. 


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